Confidence and Money Mindset Shifts
Income Breakthroughs for Women
"When you Value You, the World will, too."
"When you Value You,
the World will, too."

Do you know what's REALLY holding you back from greater wealth and prosperity? Get your FREE Copy of my MONEY BLOCKS REVEALED infographic.
(There's also a special gift when you sign up)
Are You Driving With The Brakes On?
Driving with the brakes on is a total drag.
It really doesn't have to be so darn hard. Take the brakes off with help from me – and then, full speed ahead with your business!
Good news: there's nothing wrong with you (whew !)
What to do next?
Are you done with the struggle, and ready to take your business and your life to a whole new level? if so, then it would be my joy, honor and pleasure to assist you.
I offer you my expertise as well as great understanding and compassion. I hold our work together in a safe and sacred container, which makes it easier to face and release your old patterns, free yourself up and start realizing your potential.
I can help you create or grow a business that makes a true contribution, while also nourishing your soul, body, heart and spirit. I can help you get where you want to go a whole lot faster and easier.
Allow me to shorten your learning and growth curve.
Life rewards action – what action are you willing to take today?
To your prosperous, joyful and thriving life and business

PS Working with me comes with a "2-F" Bonus: FUN and FREEING THE FEMININE.
FUN: Humor, laughter, and playfulness – yes!
FREEING THE FEMININE: Pleasure as your GPS, learning how to be more receptive, in your creative, magnetic flow – yes and more yes!
VIP Breakthrough Days
In just 4 hours, clear what might otherwise take weeks or months.

Shine Out and Prosper VIP Day
Stop Being A Well-Kept Secret, Serve More People And Get Well-Paid Too. Break Free Of Your Fears Of Visibility And Being Exposed And Too 'Out There'. Strengthen your Boundaries at the same Time that you Become more open and Receptive, Increase your Radiance, Confidence and Magnetism. Learn to increase your hidden Attraction Powers so you can Easily Draw to you What you Desire--more Clients, money, Opportunities, Positive Attention, Recognition & Success.

Income Growth VIP Day
Reset Your Income Set-Point, Clear money Blocks and Raise Your Prosperity Vibe. Let Go of Over-giving, Under-earning, and self-deprivation. Liberate yourself from Limiting Beliefs about Money and Deservingness, Loyalty Vows, Family & Ancestral Patterns. Say goodbye to Push-pull Counter-intentions that keep you driving with the Brakes On Leave Your Session Unblocked, Energized & Empowered . Clear your path to Earning More with Ease, Joy & Grace.

Believe in Your Value VIP Days
You are Enough--More than Enough! Would you like to...stand in your value and the results you deliver?....stop chasing certifications and bright shiny objects and use that energy for getting your work out there more powerfully? Are you ready to feel more solid, confident, secure and deserving so you can asking for higher fees and receive them?
I'd love to help you break free from those doubting voices, perfectionism, second-guessing yourself, from self-criticism, comparing and feeling less than others, habits of shrinking and apologizing. Buh-bye!
It is Time...Time for You to Believe in Your Value.

Ellen’s work is powerful and has helped me come up with creative new strategies after my business had been impacted by the economy. Old patterns and negative thoughts were creeping in, but our work together has helped me focus, tap into my goals and have a clearer understanding of the part I play in my own destiny.
R.L. - Lavery Design Associates

This work has been powerful yet subtle as I shed lots of entrenched hangups and move forward. The overall “lightness” of spirit I FEEL is real, as the film of density inside me is being neutralized or released. The process is definitely helping me feel more confident and peaceful. I`ve also gotten more business leads for presentations that have seemed to come “out of the blue”. I am full of gratitude for these awesome gifts of Spirit and recognize them as the result of these clearings. Ellen, you are #1 on the list!
Terry Gilligan, RN
- Fresh Start Enterprises

Our work–right before a trade show, which I usually don’t look forward to–was perfect timing. I enjoyed this trade show more than any others. I was more present for family and business than I ever have been. The calm that has come to my thoughts and being from our work is something I have dreamed of for years. Thank you for your amazing work and for being so aware.
S.G. - DogLeggs
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